Clinical Learning Environment in Hospitals: Assessment of Nursing Students


  • Fajar Nur Aufar Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Jember
  • Retno Purwandari Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Jember
  • Dicky Endrian Kurniawan Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Jember



Clinical learning environment, Nursing student, Satisfaction


Evaluation of the clinical learning environment is essential because it can improve the success of students undergoing clinical practice in hospitals. With this evaluation, the clinical learning environment will be better and have an impact on nursing institutions that can prepare good quality graduate students. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical learning environment of nursing profession students in hospitals. The research design used descriptive and involved 229 professional nursing students consisting of 23 and 24 batches of Nursing at the University of Jember, which were collected by using total sampling. The results of the evaluation of the clinical learning environment of professional nurses in hospitals showed an average score of 132.7 from the maximum score 170. Every indicator has an average value and the percentage of achievement starting from the highest to the lowest; the relationship of supervision (clinical supervisor or clinical instructor) with an average of 31.10 (77.75%), leadership style of the inpatient ward manajer with an average of 15, 41 (77.05%), the role of nurse lecturers (academic lecturers) with an average of 34.02 (75.60%), nursing service places with an average of 15.05 (75.25%) and an atmosphere of learning strategies with an average of 33.25 (73.25) and overall student satisfaction obtained an average value of 3.92 (78.40%). The results of the study show that nursing students is still not fully satisfied toward clinical learning environment. It must be improved to provide a suitable clinical learning environment so that students feel satisfied and clinical competence can be achieved.


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How to Cite

Aufar, F. N., Purwandari, R., & Kurniawan, D. E. (2021). Clinical Learning Environment in Hospitals: Assessment of Nursing Students. Journal of Nursing Science Update (JNSU), 9(1), 46–54.


